Ultrafast Ti:sapphire regenerative amplifier system with an optical parametric amplifier. Used to determione the ultrafast electronic properties of carbon nanotubes.
Ultrafast laser in action
Inverted optical microscope with a spectrometer and both a CCD and an InGaAs array detector used for single molecule optical spectroscopy.
Ti:sapphire and OPO used for single nanocrystal/nanotube optical spectroscopy.
Bioscope AFM/inverted microscope apparatus used for single molecule imaging.
Scope for single molecule localization microscopy of biological samples.
Asylum MFP-3D AFM/inverted microscope apparatus used to acquire charge and fluorescence information on single nanocrystals simultaneously.
Correlated single molecule spectroscopy and (atomic/electrostatic) force microscopy setup.
Fluorometer used for measuring nanotube and quantum dot fluorescence from an ensemble.
PerkinElmer Lambda 950 UV/VIS spectrophotometer.
California Hood schlenk line used for nanoparticle synthesis.
Colorado Hood schlenk line used for nanoparticle synthesis.
Tube furnace for synthesis of single walled carbon nanotubes.
Double glove box used to perform chemical reactions under an inert atmosphere.
Glove box used to keep the chemical precursors for semiconductor nanocrystals under an inert atmosphere.
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) for particle purification.
Rotovap used for post-synthetic processing of particles as thin films.